What it is
Self-guided materials for quitting porn on your own, sometimes paired with an online community feature. May be used as a companion or supplement to any other porn-quitting resource.
Ease of getting started
Very easy to start - just a matter of downloading or buying materials
Human contact
Anywhere from none at all, to some, depending on how aggressively you use online communities.
Probably offers the highest amount of anonymity and confidentiality possible.
Anywhere from free to the cost of a book on Amazon.
Spiritual/religious component
Varied depending on the approach to quitting prescribed by the materials.
Pro tips
To be blunt, we don't think it's a good idea to try to quit porn using self-help materials alone. In our experience, going the self-help route requires way too much self-discipline for a person struggling with overcoming a porn use problem, and usually ends in frustration. We believe that self-help materials are most effective when paired with regular human interaction supporting your efforts to quit - online communities are good, but in-person contact with a group, therapist, faith leader, or accountability partner are better still. Most self-help materials agree with us, by the way.
Online (Free) Self-Help Programs
Addicted to Internet Porn - collection of blog articles and YouTube videos discussing overcoming pornography addiction from Noah B.E. Church, author of "Wack, Addicted to Internet Porn." Noah also offers tele- and email-coaching to supplement the information, tips and techniques discussed on his site.
Kick Start Recovery Programme - free, self-guided sex and porn addiction recovery course from Paula Hall, founder of the Hall Recovery Course, including self-assessment tool, questionnaire, exercises and tips and techniques.
Porn Free Power - free, self-guided program of videos, audios, worksheets and other material for quitting porn. Plain-spoken and direct. The program's creator also does coaching and is taking new clients as of May 2019.
Purity is Possible - an educational web site that presents a step-by-step program for overcoming addictive sexual behavior, based on scientific principles of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Recovery Nation - free, self-guided, and comprehensive "workshop" for quitting pornography addiction, with executive reading materials, worksheets and other resources, offered with the option of purchasing companion coaching services. Companion to Recovery Nation's well-established forum, discussed on our Online Communities page.
Stop it Now! - 100% anonymous self-help materials specifically directed at interrupting and preventing viewing of child pornography.
Popular Self-Help Books
Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession and Shame, by George Collins and Andrew Adelman
Cutting it Off: Breaking Porn Addition and How to Quit for Good, by J.S. Park.
How to Quit Porn, by Brett H. McKay
Power Over Pornography: The Breakthrough Formula for Overcoming Pornography Addiction, by Brian Brandenburg
The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography, by Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz
Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery, by Kevin B. Skinner, Ph.D.
Wack, Addicted to Internet Porn, by Noah B. E. Church (free .pdf download)
Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction, by Gary Wilson; (for Arabic speakers, a summary of this book in Arabic can be found here and here).
Addicted to Internet Porn - collection of blog articles and YouTube videos discussing overcoming pornography addiction from Noah B.E. Church, author of "Wack, Addicted to Internet Porn." Noah also offers tele- and email-coaching to supplement the information, tips and techniques discussed on his site.
Kick Start Recovery Programme - free, self-guided sex and porn addiction recovery course from Paula Hall, founder of the Hall Recovery Course, including self-assessment tool, questionnaire, exercises and tips and techniques.
Porn Free Power - free, self-guided program of videos, audios, worksheets and other material for quitting porn. Plain-spoken and direct. The program's creator also does coaching and is taking new clients as of May 2019.
Purity is Possible - an educational web site that presents a step-by-step program for overcoming addictive sexual behavior, based on scientific principles of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Recovery Nation - free, self-guided, and comprehensive "workshop" for quitting pornography addiction, with executive reading materials, worksheets and other resources, offered with the option of purchasing companion coaching services. Companion to Recovery Nation's well-established forum, discussed on our Online Communities page.
Stop it Now! - 100% anonymous self-help materials specifically directed at interrupting and preventing viewing of child pornography.
Popular Self-Help Books
Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession and Shame, by George Collins and Andrew Adelman
Cutting it Off: Breaking Porn Addition and How to Quit for Good, by J.S. Park.
How to Quit Porn, by Brett H. McKay
Power Over Pornography: The Breakthrough Formula for Overcoming Pornography Addiction, by Brian Brandenburg
The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography, by Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz
Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery, by Kevin B. Skinner, Ph.D.
Wack, Addicted to Internet Porn, by Noah B. E. Church (free .pdf download)
Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction, by Gary Wilson; (for Arabic speakers, a summary of this book in Arabic can be found here and here).