What they are
Resources provided by religious organizations and denominations to help their adherents apply religious principles to quitting pornography, including through guided prayer, study, and faith-based counseling.
Ease of getting started
The resources listed here are informational, so there is no barrier to getting started on reading. The ease of finding and participating in faith-based porn quitting activities may vary based on your faith community, location, age, gender, and sexual orientation.
Human contact
Varied depending upon the faith community, though many faiths offer counseling within local congregations. Some of the resources below also offer online communities and on-on-one counseling.
Varied, depending upon the faith community, but generally speaking seeking help for problem pornography use within a faith community can be as anonymous and confidential as any other sort of therapy or counseling.
Usually none.
Spiritual/religious component
Religious and spiritual principles are at the core of these resources.
Pro tips
Emotions can run high and opinions can be entrenched when it comes to applying religious principles to stopping compulsive sexual behavior, such as pornography use. We offer no opinion about this topic, except to recognize that different paths to quitting porn suit different people. We do encourage anyone wishing to stop using pornography to be aware of the complex relationship between sexuality and religion that can exist for some people. Some of us have found it helpful to examine that relationship as part of our quitting process.
Sites About Applying Religious Principles to Stop Problem Pornography Use
Catholics Come Home - resources for Catholic-focused approach to quitting pornography.
United Conference of Catholic Bishops - discussion of Catholic Church's position on pornography.
Restored - Catholic outreach ministry devoted to combating pornography use through prayer, education and counseling, particularly for younger Catholics.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona - discussion of healing from pornography.
Christian (non-denominational)
Battle Plan Ministries - described as "ministry of restoration and discipleship" for recovery from problematic sexual behavior, and a resource "for families dealing with the onslaught of our sexually saturated world."
Bethesda Workshops - website offering extensive resources for a Christian-centered approach to combating sexual addiction. Also offers programs discussed on our Outpatient Therapy page.
SheRecovery (formerly Dirty Girls Ministries) - outreach ministry for women seeking to recovery from pornography and sexual addiction.
Follow Jesus to Freedom - free, online Bible-based self-help course for tackling problem sexual behavior.
The Freedom Fight - free, online, Christian-focused porn recovery program combining brain science and clinical practices. Includes text and video resources. Also listed on our All-in-One Systems page.
Naked Truth Project/Visible Ministries - UK-based Christian charity dedicated to helping people free themselves from porn and to educating about porn's impact.
Pure Intimacy - website from Focus on the Family presenting Christian-focused resources for combating pornography use
Pure Life Ministries - Christian ministry devoted to overcoming sexual sin, including pornography use. Offers programs discussed on our All-in-One Systems and Inpatient Treatment pages.
xxxChurch - Christian outreach ministry devoted to combating pornography addiction. Also offers programs and resources discussed on our All-in-One Systems and Software & Apps pages.
423 Communities - Portland, Oregon based organization that organizes Christian-oriented sexual recovery groups.
Christian (Southern Baptist)
Victory Over Pornography - links to a sermon and Q&A sessions about overcoming pornography with a pastor from Houston's First Baptist Church. Also includes educational resources listed on our Education and Research page.
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - article discussing pornography addiction and recovery
Christian (Lutheran)
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - article recommending resources for addressing problem pornography use
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod: Pressure Points - article by a professor of theology on addressing problem pornography use
Christian (United Church of God)
Overcoming Pornography Addiction - study guide for overcoming pornography addiction from UCG.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Addressing Pornography - official web site of LDS Church addressing pornography use, revamped as of September 2018.
Central Mosque - lengthy discussion of applying tenets of Islam to pornography use and pornography addiction, as well as other sexual behavior
Sound Vision - discussion oriented toward younger Muslims about applying Islamic tenets to stopping pornography use
Pornography Addiction Recovery for Muslims - YouTube video on the topic of pornography addiction and Islam
Purify Your Gaze - Muslim-focused online recovery program for porn addiction. Fee-based. Includes videos, workshops, and live sessions, and a companion app. Also listed on our All-in-One Systems page.
Guard Your Eyes - porn addiction recovery support and resources from a Jewish perspective.
Living Without Addictions - Jewish-focused pornography addiction resources from therapist David Kaufman, also listed on our Outpatient Therapy page.
My Jewish Learning - Q&A about a variety of sexuality-related topics, including porn.
Catholics Come Home - resources for Catholic-focused approach to quitting pornography.
United Conference of Catholic Bishops - discussion of Catholic Church's position on pornography.
Restored - Catholic outreach ministry devoted to combating pornography use through prayer, education and counseling, particularly for younger Catholics.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona - discussion of healing from pornography.
Christian (non-denominational)
Battle Plan Ministries - described as "ministry of restoration and discipleship" for recovery from problematic sexual behavior, and a resource "for families dealing with the onslaught of our sexually saturated world."
Bethesda Workshops - website offering extensive resources for a Christian-centered approach to combating sexual addiction. Also offers programs discussed on our Outpatient Therapy page.
SheRecovery (formerly Dirty Girls Ministries) - outreach ministry for women seeking to recovery from pornography and sexual addiction.
Follow Jesus to Freedom - free, online Bible-based self-help course for tackling problem sexual behavior.
The Freedom Fight - free, online, Christian-focused porn recovery program combining brain science and clinical practices. Includes text and video resources. Also listed on our All-in-One Systems page.
Naked Truth Project/Visible Ministries - UK-based Christian charity dedicated to helping people free themselves from porn and to educating about porn's impact.
Pure Intimacy - website from Focus on the Family presenting Christian-focused resources for combating pornography use
Pure Life Ministries - Christian ministry devoted to overcoming sexual sin, including pornography use. Offers programs discussed on our All-in-One Systems and Inpatient Treatment pages.
xxxChurch - Christian outreach ministry devoted to combating pornography addiction. Also offers programs and resources discussed on our All-in-One Systems and Software & Apps pages.
423 Communities - Portland, Oregon based organization that organizes Christian-oriented sexual recovery groups.
Christian (Southern Baptist)
Victory Over Pornography - links to a sermon and Q&A sessions about overcoming pornography with a pastor from Houston's First Baptist Church. Also includes educational resources listed on our Education and Research page.
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - article discussing pornography addiction and recovery
Christian (Lutheran)
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - article recommending resources for addressing problem pornography use
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod: Pressure Points - article by a professor of theology on addressing problem pornography use
Christian (United Church of God)
Overcoming Pornography Addiction - study guide for overcoming pornography addiction from UCG.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Addressing Pornography - official web site of LDS Church addressing pornography use, revamped as of September 2018.
Central Mosque - lengthy discussion of applying tenets of Islam to pornography use and pornography addiction, as well as other sexual behavior
Sound Vision - discussion oriented toward younger Muslims about applying Islamic tenets to stopping pornography use
Pornography Addiction Recovery for Muslims - YouTube video on the topic of pornography addiction and Islam
Purify Your Gaze - Muslim-focused online recovery program for porn addiction. Fee-based. Includes videos, workshops, and live sessions, and a companion app. Also listed on our All-in-One Systems page.
Guard Your Eyes - porn addiction recovery support and resources from a Jewish perspective.
Living Without Addictions - Jewish-focused pornography addiction resources from therapist David Kaufman, also listed on our Outpatient Therapy page.
My Jewish Learning - Q&A about a variety of sexuality-related topics, including porn.